

You can test Qiber3D without installing a Python environment on your computer. This is possible through the binder service, allowing us to start a fully set up JupyterLab in your browser. It is important to note that the provided environments do not have enough memory to work with full resolution image stacks. The included examples should still be helpful to start with Qiber3D.

To start the JupyterLab click here!


You can install the Qiber3D library directly through the Python Package Index (PyPI). The use of a virtual environment is recommended.

$ pip install Qiber3D

If the stable version of Qiber3D on PyPI is missing a particular function, you can install the latest version directly from the GitHub repository.

$ pip install -U git+

Development and documentation

To work with the source code clone the repository from GitHub and install the requirements. If you add improvements to the code a pull request would be welcomed. The source code is accompanied by the documentation and a collection of test cases.

$ git clone
$ python3 -m venv Qiber3D_env
$ . Qiber3D_env/bin/activate
(Qiber3D_env) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(Qiber3D_env) $ pip install -r Qiber3D/requirements.txt

Building the documentation locally needs a few extra python packages. They can also be installed in the same virtual environment with the following command.

(Qiber3D_env) $ pip install -r Qiber3D/docs/requirements.txt

The HTML version of the documentation can then be built:

(Qiber3D_env) $ sphinx-build -b html Qiber3D/docs Qiber3D/docs_html

The tests are located under Qiber3D/tests can be started with:

(Qiber3D_env) $ python -m unittest discover -s Qiber3D/tests